
Energy Conservation & Efficiency

Energy Tips

There are many things you can do in your day to day life and home and at work to save as much wasted energy as you can. There are some tips below that could help you save money and become more energy efficient at the same time.

At Home


  • During winter, lower your thermostat to 68 degrees or lower. In the summer, set it to 78 degrees or higher.
  • Replace incandescent with energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs.
  • Use dimmers on existing incandescent bulbs.
  • Turn off TVs and lights when you leave the room or aren’t using them.
  • Make sure your home is properly insulated to match standards based on your region, weather and construction design.

  • Dry items in your dishwasher simply by opening the door and not using a ‘high temp’ option.
  • Boil water in a pot on the stove instead of using a kettle.
  • Use smaller appliances such as the microwave or toaster instead of the oven

  • Use a low-flow shower head.
  • Take short showers instead of baths.
  • Install dual-flow toilets to reduce the amount of water used per flush.

  • Insulate your water heater and all water piping.
  • Clean and replace your furnaces filter, and clean your ducts every few years.
  • Move items from your freezers/refrigerators to your cold room/cantina (if possible).

At Work


  • Make sure all windows and doors are closed during off hours, and only open when necessary during open hours.
  • Consider using a heat recovery system, which can save up to 60%-70% of lost heat through your ventilation system through air-to-air exchange system.
  • Use sunlight instead of turning on the heat, where applicable.
  • Reduce air conditioner usage in summer.

  • Open blinds and shades instead of turning on lights where you can.
  • Replace incandescent with energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs.
  • Use LED signage, monitors and holiday lights.
  • Use occupancy/motion sensors for areas of your office to automate when lights shut off.

  • Turn all computers and network peripherals off at day end.
  • Use energy efficient devices and replace all CRT screens with LCD/LED.
  • Use a humidity control system to control your freezers or cold rooms by a few degrees.

  • Check for leaks in you compressed air systems.
  • Take part in a recycling program and make sure all lighting, appliances and electronics are recycling if possible.
  • Consider investing in a solar panel system, as it will provide long term energy efficiency.
  • Using energy efficient toilet and drainage systems can reduce wasted water from your building.

In Vehicle


  • Try and carpool whenever you get the chance to reduce the number of cars on the road.
  • Make sure your tires are always filled with air, which increases movement efficiency.
  • Clear out all heavy items in your truck and backseat, so that you are not being weighed down.
  • Have regular maintenance on your vehicle to make sure that everything is working to the best performance.
  • In the long term, you may want to consider investing in a ‘hybrid’ or other fuel source vehicle, as it will significantly reduce your energy costs and emission output.

  • Installing winter tires will help increase movement efficiency and mileage, that way your vehicle is not working harder to push forward than it should.
  • Park your car in the garage (if possible) so that it is cleaned off and easier to drive than if it was in the snow.
  • Do not warm your vehicles up by turning on the heat and idling, as you waste gas and heighten the vehicle’s emissions – simply driving right after turning on the ignition will warm the vehicle up just as well.
  • Find alternate routes to your destination, as spending time in traffic not only wastes gas, but will likely force you to use more heat.
  • When using the heat, try and regulate it throughout the vehicle and slowly turn it down over time or redirect it to the defogger (front and back) if needed.

  • Try not to drive faster than highway limits (55mi/h or 100km/h) as it causes you to lose your fuel efficiency.
  • Do not use the air conditioning on days where the wind or cooler air will suffice.
  • If you must use the air conditioning, try and have it regulate throughout the car and lower the temperate over time.



  • Separate your recyclable and compost material from your garbage in order to reduce landfill waste.
  • Use products made of recycled (FSC) paper, or biodegradable materials.

  • When shopping, use the least amount of plastic bags possible or use recyclable bags that can be used over again.

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